Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hello, it's your wake up call

Both me and the hubster have been pretty lazy lately. I blame it on the winter but my boss says that is just an excuse. She's right of course but I ain't gonna admit that to her. Warm weather is finally here though and I really need to get a move on. Our CSA program started this week so I have a bag of fresh organic veggies to look forward to each week on top of what I can get at the local market. At the end of this month we have a 1/4 of a cow we ordered coming in so we will have grass fed beef coming out of our ears. This will force me to start cooking again.

I finally made a doctor appointment and went in for my yearly. I am just waiting for the blood work to come back and tell me how much I have messed up. Last time I had my A1C down to 5.8 and my blood pressure and cholesterol under control. I was also 15 pounds lighter. I had lost a total of 40 pounds and was so proud so I guess I really screwed up there. My blood pressure was 130/100 this time too. Needless to say the Doc was not happy with me.

On top of all this they sent me to a Gastroenterology doctor because I have been having terrible stomach issues. They give me a list of what not do eat (No coffee? Ugh!) and want to shove a camera down my throat. That's not cool at all. But I have been taking Prilosec, Zantac, Maalox AND Tums at the same time with very little relief  and I cannot take it anymore.

So I guess it is time for a change. There are a lot of foods I cannot eat anymore but there will be a lot of new foods to try with the CSA program. Time to dig out those cookbooks I collect and plan some new menus!


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