Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole

I've been so busy lately that I have to admit that we have eaten out almost every day this past week. To make matters worse the only "fast" food we will eat is Moe's. Needless to say we are tired of burritos. Did you know they use grass-fed beef? I was so excited when I found that out! By the time I get home from work I am starving and so tired I just don't feel like cooking. I have to get back into the groove and cook more often because in a month or two our CSA will be starting and that's a lot of fresh food coming every week that will go to waste.

So tonight's menu was Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole. I found the recipe on Tasty Kitchen's website. I believe this is actually The Pioneer Woman's websites. It was really good and both of us call it a keeper. The only thing I did different was I used Italian Panko instead of Ritz crackers. I have not been able to find Ritz crackers that do not have high fructose corn syrup in it. Why do you need corn syrup in crackers?!

Maybe tomorrow I will be inspired by the bag of chocolate chips in the pantry.

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